
An Introduction to Cochlear Implants – University of Southampton Auditory Implant Service

An Introduction to Cochlear Implants

Date: 6th -10th July 2015

Venue: University of Southampton Auditory Implant Service, Building 19, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, SO171BJ, UK

For: Professionals/students with an appropriate background in Audiology or a related field


The intensive one week masterclass provides an overview of the core scientific and clinical aspects of cochlear implantation. It provides a wide-ranging and thorough review of this area which is seeing rapid and exciting innovation and change in both medical science and technology. There is also the opportunity to observe a patient for tuning and rehabilitation, as well as a discussion session with the parent of a child with a cochlear implant.


There are two registration options:

Option 1: Credit pathway (which requires coursework and can count towards a degree). Delegates are required to pass 2 assignments, culminating in credits (ECTS 7.5 or CATS 15).

Option 2: CPD pathway (which requires attendance only).


Both options carry 27 CPD points with an attendance certificate issued.

The costs for these modules are as follows: Credit Pathway £1200* and CPD Pathway £900*

*Please note: there is a discount available to groups from the same institution/country.

For further details and to register email AIS.Training@soton.ac.uk or visit http://ais.southampton.ac.uk/masterclasses-usais
